Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Great Time at the Bonfire

Wow! What a great time we had at the bonfire on Saturday night! We had a fantastic turnout. If you missed the fun, don't worry. We will have another get together in the next month or so. Thanks for joining us for our Fall Fun!


  1. hey sorry i missed the bonfire i cant wait for the next get together :)
    Katie hughs

  2. Hey Ashlyn and Kayla i probably wont be back in time sunday 2g2 VM so..... i'll miss u guys on sunday.... think of me sitting in the cold eating donuts and sipping soda.... c u guys wenesday!!! -Emilee

  3. I'm excited about the next one too! I hope it will be super fun! :)


  4. hey guys..... i just realized i spelled wednesday wrong! oops......day after 2morrow ill b 13!!!!!!! im so excited! i might get the LG Shine for Christmas! c u all Sunday!
